WebExpo 2018

These last few days I was attending WebExpo 2018 conference. On one side just because of the curiosity to see what is hype right now in Web. On the other side because I like networking and meeting new people. I was there like a volunteer - my usual way to get to conferences :D.

WebExpo 2018
WebExpo 2018

I will try to do more or less subjective highlights from this conference, which lasts for 2-3 days (if you include workshop, which I was unable to attend) and was held at Lucerna (right in the middle of Prague). I was able to attend almost all interesting presentation on Friday and one on Saturday (because I had to help with organizing the conferences).


Susan Lindman

  • Content from the user is much more trustworthy - let the user create it (reviews, provide space for that, opinions …)
  • Dollar shave club
  • Best time to deal with PR is 3 months before going to the market
    • Also a good time to make a “friendship” with reporters
  • Do NOT focus on revolution or evolution -> CREATE transformation


  • Bad examples
  • Good examples of useless one
  • According to Forbes there is almost 90% of startup failing, but according to Kickstarter the number is only 10%
    • It depends on the platform …
Never ever modify any number to get better statistics
Never ever modify any number to get better statistics
Statistics of failing startups
Statistics of failing startups

Pitch to win

  • Mistakes
    • Talk too much
    • Talk about yourself
Chatbot Acceptance
Chatbot Acceptance


  • by my favourite speaker Petr Pouchlý from Court of Moravia
  • If you need to spend 2 hours in the kitchen speaking with your colleagues, it is ok if you can vindicate it - but you need to realize that you cannot use that time in calculation of your working schedule
  • Make business meeting in a sauna - like in Sweden. It is much harder to lie when you are naked.
  • We are learning in childhood to obey authority (without questioning)
    • Is it good?
    • Would be open feedback culture better?
Kim Scott diagram about ratio between personality and giving orders
Kim Scott diagram about ratio between personality and giving orders

Ideas and thoughts

  • Sunk Cost Fallacy
  • Use Kickstarter more as a marketing tool - not to get money
  • Steve Wozniak: Coffee test for AI
    • If the AI is good enough that it can make coffee in a place where is for the first time then it is smart enough
Donald Rumsfeld
Donald Rumsfeld
Man - Computer programmer + Woman = Homemaker
Man - Computer programmer + Woman = Homemaker

Books and articles

More of startups which fail because of bad idea
More of startups which fail because of bad idea

If you want to get a discount for Liftago 3x50kc, use promo code “WEBEXPO2018” before a journey (you need to use saved card as a payment method)

I was at this conference as a volunteer even last year and I can say that this year was a little bit disappointing for me because of less novelty in lectures (maybe it is because I am attending a lot of conferences these days). Anyway, I would like to thank Sarka Strossova for organizing this event this year and I hope that next year would be also with her as the main organizer.

Written on September 22, 2018